

Our feet take in all the toxins that end up in our bodies through our environment or what is put in our bodies. Show your feet some love with this detox herbs and salts soak.

Ingredients: Sea Salt, Epsom Salt, Earl Green (Bergamot) Tea, ceresee, fevergrass.

Benefits: Release toxins from your feet. Epsom Salt softens, sanitizes and relieves inflammation. Improves circulation. Ceresee detoxes your feet by drawing out toxins. Lemongrass deodorizes and softens feet. Green Tea relieves foot pain, detoxifies, promotes healing by rejuvenating skin cells and fights free radicals.

Directions: Pour half container into 2 quarts hot water. Stir to combine salts and herbs in the water. Allow the aroma to invigorate your senses while your soak away toxins and soften your feet. Soak your feet for 10-15 min. Dry. Follow with Empress Roots body butter.

Size: 4 oz Rose Gold Reusable Aluminum Tin

Ceresee Blog post: https://empressroots.com/2018/03/22/jamaica-cerasee-lets-talk-about-the-sweetness-of-this-bitter-herb/