Jamaica Cerasee – let’s talk about the sweetness of this bitter herb

Man! This is one of my “go-to” herbs!  It has countless benefits. It can be made into a tea and consumed internally or used externally to treat skin conditions. It’s known for its bitter flavor, but trust me – this herb works! Jamaicans, and people throughout the Caribbean, have been harvesting the vine as well as the fruit for many, many years. It’s typically known in Jamaica as “clean-out. It has powerful abilities to “purge” any toxins from the body.

Cerasee has been known to treat parasitic worms, liver problems, diabetes, skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema and rashes, aid with high blood pressure, ease bellyaches and menstrual cramps. It has detoxifying properties and is used as a blood and body cleanser or as a “wash out” to purge the body, It’s used as a tonic to detox the body of toxins, therefore increasing energy, vitality, and stamina It also aids ulcers, bile and digestive disorders. Ceresee is good for all joint ailments, such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and other similar ailments. Also known to settle the nerves and aid fatigue.

Cerasee is rich in: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorous  and alkaloids.