Lemongrass Love

Fevergrass Tea

Lemon grass, also known as fever grass in Jamaica, grows wild all over the island. I love to pluck leaves from the fresh plant and draw it in tea to start my morning. It has so many amazing health benefits. Fevergrass Plant

It’s a super source of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B and C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, zinc, folate and iron. As its name suggests, fever grass is known to counteract the effects of fever (especially in children) but also for adults.

Enjoying fever grass tea is a great way to relax your mind, nuff people find sipping a cup of hot tea to be super soothing because it has anxiety-reducing properties. It is also known for its quality in reducing cholesterol levels. 

Fever grass also contains some infection-preventing qualities. Including fungal infections. Boil in water and then steep in Jamiacan Ceresee to create a powerful anti-fungal infusion for skin. Allow to cool and apply directly to skin to relieve and draw out infection and toxins.

You can find lemongrass essential oils in many health food shops. Essential oil is used to uplift you mood (if diffused), and it is a powerful topical for skin (when used with a carrier oil). The leaves and the essential oil – which is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial – are used in traditional medicine to relieve spasms and increase perspiration. The essential oil is an effective treatment for conditions including athlete’s foot, ringworm, lice and scabies and used to wash wounds. I also use it in my Empress Roots Natural Bug Spray, and it does a really great job at keeping bugs away. Fevergrass tea by the Cabarita River

Some Jamaicans have been known to chew to improve dental health and keep the mouth feeling clean. Long known by elders in Jamaica, fever grass tea is used as a pain fighting remedy, inducing relieving arthritis pains.

The tea is also known to combat bloating (or to relieve “gas” as many Jamaican would tell you). The tea is also excellent for the treatment of digestive problems. It here it relaxes the muscles of the stomach and gut, relieving cramping pains and breaking wind. Drinking fever grass tea can have diuretic effects, meaning it stimulates the kidneys to release more urine than usual.

I ethically harvest fever grass from my community in Orange Hill, Jamaica, dry it, and bring it back to Wisconsin to process for tea. It’s packaged in teabags as well as in bulk. Please see my store or contact me for purchase.


Empress Roots Healing Salve is a MUST HAVE in your medicine cabinet and healing regime. It’s amazing healing is powered by herbs found most likely in your own backyard. This powerful little tin of salve includes:

St. Johns Wort:
– Heals woundsSt Johns Wort Flower Image
– Relieves insect bites
– Reduces inflammation
– Treats psoriasis
– Relives muscle pain
– Treats burns (including sunburn)

Calendula:Calendula Flower Image
– Helps dry cracked skin
– Helps clear skin irritation, wrinkles & blemishes
– Quickly heals wounds, cuts, scrapes
– Helps with psoriasis and eczema
– Has anti-inflammatory properties

Chamomile:Chamomile Flower Image
– Prevents Infection
– Heals scars & stretchmarks
– Has antiseptic & antibiotic properties
– Protects wounds, cuts & scrapes

Plantain LeafPlantain Leaf Image
– Natural sunburn relief
– Aids in quick healing of wounds
– Reduces effects of scarring
– Treats acne and heals/regenerates skin
– Eases scalp infections (dry scalp, psoriasis, dandruff
– Cures insect bites & stings (reduces itch, rash & pain)

Vitamin E is thought to be beneficial for the skin and may help preserve the salve.


Please feel free to CONTACT ME with any questions or if you have issues ordering.

Jamaican Turmeric Root Powers

turmeric root

Turmeric Root…is one of the most important miracle roots medicine in my apothecary.

Jamaican Turmeric Root grows easily in the tropical conditions of this beautiful island, and can be found all over the hillsides of the Jamaican countryside. It is harvested and sold in many of the local markets.

Medicinal Benefits of Turmeric:

The medicinal benefits of turmeric are impressive:

  • Fights Inflammation.
  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Protects the heart
  • Helpful for fighting diabetes and cancer
  • Brain Boosting
  • Great for skin (fights eczema or psoriasis) and helps stop acne.

I scored some roots the other day and decided to tincture it.  As a tincture, turmeric can be used on its own as a daily supplement, or it can be blended with other herbs to create healing tinctures and balms.

Culinary Uses of Turmeric:

  • Turmeric is the main ingredient in the popular dish “curry”.
  • One of my favorite ways to prepare turmeric is in a ‘Golden Milk” drink. Golden Milk is a hot tea, prepared with a milk of your choice, turmeric, cinnamon, honey, black pepper and ginger root.
  • Add turmeric to smoothies or juices
  • Golden Honey can be prepared to fight colds symptoms

Turmeric is a really beneficial medicine. Tincture is for purchase at https://empressroots.com in 2oz  or 4 oz bottles. We also make a healing balm with black turmeric available for sale as well at https://empressroots.com/products/

Moringa Miracles

Moringa. The Miracle plant.

Every part of this tree (leaves, pod, fruits, sap, seeds, oil, flowers, roots and bark) has medicinal properties. Moringa leaves are literally one of the most powerful natural medicines with benefits for hair, skin and body and are a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin E.

Moringa leaf contains 18 amino acids which are useful for the basic building blocks of our body, proteins. I draw a cup of moringa “bush tea” nearly every morning. Its great for detoxifying, increasing energy, aids in digestion, settles nerves and is high in antioxidants. Gives me a general feeling of “wellness”.

Benefits for skin and hair

Currently I am infusing moringa leaf in coconut oil to make a salve. Moringa leaf contains iron, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This helps to cure minor injuries like bruises, cuts and burns. It also helps in quick healing of injuries. I am so excited to make this salve when the oil is ready. moringa leaf image

The infused oil is also beneficial for the hair and scalp as it has many vitamins and minerals. Can be used to cleanse the hair and scalp, prevent hair damage, dandruff, dry and lifeless hair. Also increases blood circulation of the scalp and boosts hair growth.

The extract of moringa leaves has many therapeutic and skin purifying properties. It removes impurities from the skin and rejuvenates it. It also enhances fairness and maintains the natural skin color.

Take a handful of Moringa leaves. Grind with little water.
Make a smooth paste
Apply it evenly on your face as a mask (Leave it for 15-20 min)
Wash off with water for beautiful glowing skin.

Try incorporating this plant into your life and you will soon see and feel its benefits.

Lime Leaf Love

Lime Leaf:

Lime shrubs are found all over the island of Jamaica. They can root from within the porous  rock-stone, and  thrives lavishly from the clean Caribbean sunshine and rainwater. This is one of my go-to plants to help relieve digestive problems. I drink a glass of lime water nearly every morning to help release acid and gas. It’s also loaded with vitamin C which is so good for boosting the immune system. Most people are familiar with the fruit, but don’t know the benefits of the lime leaf.

The tea is a herbal medicine for nerve tonic, high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, colds, asthma, digestion, constipation, respiratory conditions and can be used as a sedative.

Lime leaf contains Vitamin C as well as flavonoids which makes it a good medicinal herb known to treat heart disease and cancer. I like to chew lime leaves to prevent nausea and upset stomach.

In Jamaica, many people use lime leaf in “bush tea” usually consisting of lemongrass (fever-grass), sour-sop leaf and lime leaf.  These herbs are usually readily available in every Jamaican “yaad” in the countryside. To make the tea, simply boil about 6 leaves in water let it “draw”. Some choose to add a little brown sugar or honey to sweeten it. The juice is also good to be used as a disinfectant for wounds, cuts and bruises.

Another common remedy used in Jamaica to treat sore throat and colds is lime and honey. Squeeze the juice of one lime and mix a tablespoon or two of honey and spoon into mouth for relief.

Lime Fruit :

Lime fruit is great for fighting bad breath, protecting the liver, detoxifying the blood, aids in weight loss, fights inflammation, enhances mood, re-hydrates the body,

Jamaica Cerasee – let’s talk about the sweetness of this bitter herb

Man! This is one of my “go-to” herbs!  It has countless benefits. It can be made into a tea and consumed internally or used externally to treat skin conditions. It’s known for its bitter flavor, but trust me – this herb works! Jamaicans, and people throughout the Caribbean, have been harvesting the vine as well as the fruit for many, many years. It’s typically known in Jamaica as “clean-out. It has powerful abilities to “purge” any toxins from the body.

Cerasee has been known to treat parasitic worms, liver problems, diabetes, skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema and rashes, aid with high blood pressure, ease bellyaches and menstrual cramps. It has detoxifying properties and is used as a blood and body cleanser or as a “wash out” to purge the body, It’s used as a tonic to detox the body of toxins, therefore increasing energy, vitality, and stamina It also aids ulcers, bile and digestive disorders. Ceresee is good for all joint ailments, such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and other similar ailments. Also known to settle the nerves and aid fatigue.

Cerasee is rich in: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorous  and alkaloids.

Jamaican Wild Parsley (Purslane)

Wild Parsley (Portulaca Oleracea) or purslane, is a succulent herb that is widely used by many American and Jamaican herbalists alike. It is packed with vitamins and minerals. This herb is known for boosting the immune system, cleansing the colon, and great for skin. It is great to add to salads, mix with Callaloo style Caribbean dishes, or blended with a green smoothie.

Health Benefits of Purslane:
Soft, succulent purslane leaves have more omega-3 fatty acids than in some of the fish oils. It is an excellent source of Vitamin-A, also a rich source of vitamin-C, and some B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and carotenoids, as well as dietary minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and manganese.

Whatcha know ’bout guava leaf?

Packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and beneficial tannins, fresh guava leaves are considered as a natural pain reliever. Guava leaves aid in weight loss as well as been known for  diabetes by prevents the absorption of sucrose and maltose by the body.

In addition guava leaf lowers cholesterol, has been known to treat diarrhea and dysentery, aids in digestion, treats toothaches, beneficial for dengue fever, prostate cancer, reduction of allergies, and is a helpful aid in treatment for wounds and infections,

Guava leaves benefits for skin

When it comes to skincare, guava leaves can greatly help in improving your skin and treatment of various skin disorders. Including treatment of removal of blackheads and acne, anti-aging benefits and anti-itch properties. Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, guava leaves help in promoting healthy hair growth. To stop hair loss, boil a handful of guava leaves in a liter of water for around 20 minutes. After cooling, apply it on your scalp and massage rigorously.

Black Turmeric Magic

We were given this beautiful unique root from a local organic farmer to “play” with. We infused a powerful healing oil and tinctured the rest of it. The oil ended up in a healing balm and is used topically.

Black Turmeric is not as popular as yellow Turmeric. Black Turmeric is used for mainly medicinal purposes.

The healing properties of Black Turmeric include:

The Black Turmeric’s curcumin may help prevent if not kill cancer cells from growing.

Lung Illnesses
Black Turmeric has been known to improve or treat lung illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Natural Anti-Oxidant
The curcumin in Black Turmeric is very effective in neutralizing free radicals. This is why if taken in moderation; it has been known that Black Turmeric can neutralize the free radicals which our body cannot. Thus, negating the effects of aging and cancer cells.

Active Anti-Inflammatory
The Black Turmeric has been known to be a very effective anti-inflammatory. A compound, such as the curcumin, found in the Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory compound.

Pain Reliever
Black Turmeric is an excellent pain reliever. From rashes, toothaches, osteoarthritis to stomach problems, Black Turmeric may help relieve situations like these.