Super Powers Soursop

Soursop leaves

The soursop plant – what some might know as graviola or guabanaba – is well known for its versatility. This amazing tree grows in tropical regions of the world. No part of the plant goes to waste, whether it’s the seeds, the fruit, bark, roots, and of course, the leaves. The benefits of the soursop plant are really incredible – from cancer prevention, lowering blood pressure, treating insomnia, relieving stress, soothing back pain and more. The soursop leaf is one of my favorite teas. In Jamaica it is said to “calm your nerves”…and it works! I like to sometimes blend it with fever-grass (lemongrass) and moringa leaf, to give my tea a power immunity boost! Steep a couple leaves in boiling water and add some honey……soooo nice! Cheers to your health!

SourSop leaves
Fresh soursop leaves, blended with Moringa, lime leaf and lemongrass.


Soursop is a plant commonly found in South America, the Pacific islands, the Caribbean and any tropical climate. It’s been used for centuries for the nutritional and medicinal value. Including:

Immune System Building
Soursop leaf is loaded with nutrition, making it a great way to naturally boost your immune system. Both the leaves and the fruit of the soursop tree contain high levels of Vitamins A and B, and C, fiber, iron, potassium and calcium. Soursop leaves also contain gentisic acid, annonacin, annocatalin, and anonol that strengthen the immune system.

Provides Natural Energy
Soursop tea is an ample source of carbohydrates that can replenish your low energy without the addiction that comes with caffeine. The leaves contain high fiber and facilitate digestion and detoxification. These nourishing leaves are also a great source of iron and vitamin C. Iron aids in the pumping of energy-producing oxygen into the bloodstream while vitamin C helps keep your endurance levels up.

Consuming soursop tea can aid in relieving tensions and spasms, also reduces pain from injuries. Soursop tea is a powerful natural anti-microbial agent, used to treat damaged skin and other conditions like skin irritation, inflammation, and itchiness. Soursop gets is anti-inflammatory goodness from the alkaloids, phenols, and acetogenins it contains.

Settles the Nerves
Soursop has long been known to have sedative effects. Consuming soursop leaves prompts the release of serotonin, a hormone responsible for stabilizing one’s emotional state and calming the body. Soursop tea can be a great natural supplement to relieve the body of psychological conditions such as stress, anxiety, moodiness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, depression, etc. In Jamaica, soursop tea has been used for centuries as a treatment for insomnia, or one can just put a few fresh leaves into their pillow for that effect.

Treating blood disorders: Because the tree is rich is rich in iron, teas made from soursop fruit and leaves are great for treating anemia and increasing red blood cell count. It is also good for reducing hypertension; and because of its antibacterial properties, it is very effective in curing infections. Placing a whole fresh leaf on a cut, sore, or wound should help healing progress more quickly than when left untreated.

Hair and skin problems: Soursop is good at treating a number of hair problems such as split ends, dandruff, and falling hair, greying, and head lice. To derive these benefits make a tea from the leaves and use it as a hair rinse. The natural ingredients in the leaves, when mashed until soft and applied directly to the affected area, are good at treating eczema as well as skin infections such as acne.

Painful swollen feet: to reduce the discomfort brew some soursop tea and use as a foot soak.

Arthritis and gout: soursop leaves can be mashed and rubbed on joints to reduce the pain.


**If you are interested in soursop tea and would like to try it for its amazing healing properties, please link up and we can provide you with the leaves and work with you on methods of preparing it. CONTACT ME.

How to Prepare:
Boil 2 cups of water. Add 7-8 leaves and allow it to steep for a minimum of 20 minutes. Drink 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night for up to 2 weeks.